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Por favor, activa JavaScript en tu navegador para completar este formulario. is a law firm specialized in immigration procedures in Panama, directed by attorney Julissa Ortega Hernández, by completing this form you are aware that you will receive information from the lawyer or a member of your work team and you declare that you intend to obtain permanent residence in Panama as a Retiree / Pensioner. You should also know that today the initial consultation is free despite the lawyer has a fee for her services, as stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Panama. *
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What is your full name?
What is your home country or country where you receive retirement from?
What is the name of the institution that pays you the retirement or pension?
How much (dollar amount in official exchange) is your retirement?
Equal to or more than $1,000
Less than $1,000
What is your WhatsApp number?
Do you have any special comments or questions?
What is your email address?
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