Table of Contents
Benefits and Requirements of having a Panamanian child as a foreigner in Panama
Foreigners in Panama who have one or more Panamanian children of at least five (5) years of age may apply for this residency permit.
According to the immigration laws of Panama, this permit is one of the permits that grant a permanent residence card for family reunification due to the need to preserve family unity and guarantee the rights of minors.
On the other hand, the National Immigration Service could deny the entry or residence of foreigners who are parents of Panamanian children if they do not demonstrate that they comply with their responsibilities and duties as parents of the Panamanian child.
What is the visa for parents of a child born in Panama?
It is a residence permit in Panama also called Visa for Panamanian child and before the National Immigration Service is the Permanent Resident Permit For Demographic Reasons And Family Reunification As Foreigners With Panamanian Children, established in the immigration laws of Panama in the executive decree No. 583 of August 9, 2012.
This immigration procedure allows the parents (father or mother) of a child born in Panama and who is already 5 years of age or older to obtain permanent residency.
One of the requirements to obtain this residency permit is an affidavit by the father or mother of the minor certifying that the interested party in obtaining the visa for parents of a child born in Panama (father or mother) complies with his or her duties as a good parent.
What are the requirements to obtain the visa for parents of a child born in Panama?
The requirements for the visa for parents of a child born in Panama according to the Panamanian immigration laws are the following:
- Power of Attorney and Application through a duly notarized attorney.
- Three (3) passport size photographs.
- Original passport, with a minimum validity of six (6) months.
- Copy of the passport duly collated before a notary public or corresponding authority.
- Police Record or Criminal Record Check of the country for the last 5 years of residence. This document must be “original”, “official”, “updated” and “authenticated” (see explanation of these terms below).
- Health Certificate issued by a Panamanian physician and issued within three (3) months prior to the date of submission. The certificate must have the signature and stamp of the physician with the name, code and registration number.
- Certified Check for B/.250.00 in favour of the National Treasury.
- Certified cheque for B/.800.00 in favour of the National Migration Service.
- Affidavit of Personal Background Form. Birth Certificate of the children, if any, issued by the Civil Registry.
- Notarised affidavit from the father or mother of the minor (stating that the applicant has fulfilled his or her duties as a good parent).
- Birth certificate of the children, issued by the Civil Registry.
- Notarised letter of responsibility of the resident or national supporting the applicant (we write it but his wife signs it).
- Copy of the valid identity card of the responsible person authenticated by the Civil Registry.
- Document that proves the marital domicile (utility bill or lease contract or any other document that proves it).
AbogadosPanama.Net under the direction of Panamanian Lawyer Lic. Julissa Ortega has helped foreigners to obtain their permanent residence permit in Panama under the Visa for parents of a child born in Panama and Family Reunification.
Or if you prefer priority attention then
Tips for starting legal procedures in Panama
- Meet as much as possible in person at the law firm’s commercial premises.
- Apply for a professional services contract with your attorney.
- If you decide to work with an independent attorney, check your attorney’s credentials against the Supreme Court database.
The benefits of having a Panamanian child as a foreigner are as follows:
- The foreigner father of the child born in Panama has the following opportunities:
- You can apply for a permanent residence permit in Panama in a few phases, (this permit will grant you the “CEDULA E”).
- You can also opt for the Panamanian passport through naturalization (once you obtain the “CEDULA E” and meet the requirements).
- You will be able to obtain the work permit under the Panamanian child visa, (the cost of the work permit for a foreigner with a Panamanian child before MITRADEL is lower compared to that of the “crisol de razas” and other types of migratory visas in Panama) You will be able to enjoy all the benefits that Panamanian nationals enjoy in banks, businesses and governmental entities.
- As a permanent resident of Panama, you can apply for the certification of tax residency in Panama.
Do I have to be married to the Father / Mother of the child born in Panama to apply for the VISA FOR PARENTS OF CHILD BORN IN PANAMA?
No, you can apply for the visa for parents of a child born in Panama without being married to the father or mother of the Panamanian child, however it is important that the father or mother of the child certifies before a Panamanian notary public that the foreigner interested in obtaining the residence permit in Panama for a Panamanian child complies with all his or her duties as a parent.
Work permit in Panama for a foreigner with a Panamanian-born child
In application for a work permit through the Panamanian child visa, the foreigner applicant must have an approved application for a residence permit for a child born in Panama before the national migration service, i.e. he/she must have a two-year or permanent resident card in order to be able to obtain a work permit.
This process is carried out at MITRADEL (offices of the Ministry of Labour in Panama) and must be done with the intermediation of a Panamanian lawyer.
Requirements for a work permit for a foreigner with Panamanian children
Requirements for a work permit for a foreigner with Panamanian children:
- Grant power of attorney and application by a lawyer on plain paper, original and copy.
- Certificate issued by the National Immigration Service, stating the immigration status of the applicant.
- Copy duly authenticated before a Notary Public, of the card issued by the National Immigration Service, where the Permanent Resident Permit is issued in favour of the applicant.
- Birth Certificate of the Panamanian child(ren) issued by the National Directorate of the Civil Registry.
- Sworn declaration before a Notary Public, of the father or mother of the minor(s) as a good parent.
- Four (4) passport size photos with the applicant’s name written on the back.
If the foreign worker maintains guardianship or guardianship of the minor must provide in replacement of the affidavit, a copy by the issuing authority of the resolution that determines the measure or certification issued by the corregidor of the area where he/she resides indicating that the minor resides with the applicant.
In addition to the analysis of the documents provided, the Ministry of Labour and Labour Development may order home inspections in order to verify the information provided.
When applying for the extension of this type of permit, it shall not be necessary to present the child’s Birth Certificate.
The work permit for foreigners with the child visa for a child born in Panama has the following conditions for its validity time before the authorities:
If the foreigner obtains the work permit with the provisional residence card of two (2) years the work permit will be valid for one (1) year, after expiration it will have to be renewed.
If the foreigner obtains a work permit with a permanent residence permit, the work permit is valid for three (3) years, after which it must be renewed.
If the foreigner has already completed ten (10) years since he/she was granted permanent residence in Panama, he/she may obtain a work permit without an expiration date, that is to say, for an indefinite period of time.
What are the phases that must be traveled to obtain permanent residence with the VISA FOR PARENTS OF CHILD BORN IN PANAMA?
What are the steps to go through to obtain permanent residence with the residence permit of the visa for parents of a child born in Panama?
Day 1: Interview with lawyer
Meeting with the lawyer for the review of the requirements and payment of the fees to start the immigration process.
DAY 2: (Requires only the presence of the foreigner)
The foreign applicant and the legal representative or his assistant appear before the offices of the National Migration Service of Panama to submit the application for the visa for parents of a child born in Panama.
Normally the immigration agents will tell you that you must wait 3 to 5 months while the officials in charge of document review in immigration issue the resolution of approval of the resident permit through the visa for parents of a child born in Panama.
At the moment the immigration resolution is ready, the attorney is notified by the national immigration service of panama of the resolution has been issued and from that moment on they can and must attend the immigration offices in panama to obtain a new provisional residency card through the visa for parents of a child born in panama.
This new card is a provisional residence permit through the visa for parents of a child born in Panama, it is valid for 2 years and costs 50 dollars.
PHASE 2: Application for the Permanent Residence Permit through the visa for parents of a child born in Panama.
After 23 months the foreigner can apply for the permanent residence permit.
To apply for the permanent residence permit for the visa for parents of a child born in Panama, the applicant must provide all the requirements that were provided the first time (minus the certified checks and the police record) and must add the applicant’s national Paz y Salvo.
This time the complete process of DAY 1 and DAY 2 of PHASE 1 is done again.
On the same day, the foreign applicant will be given a provisional residence card, valid for 6 months.
Once the migratory resolution is approved, the lawyer is notified by the national migration service of Panama that the resolution has been issued and from that moment on they can and must attend the migration offices in Panama to obtain a new permanent residence card.
This new carnet is a permanent visa permit for parents of a child born in Panama and costs 100 dollars.
A month later migration issues a note called “Nota de Cédula”, with this note the foreigner must make an appointment before the electoral tribunal, this appointment is generally granted for a few working days after requesting it.
On the day of the appointment the foreigner must go to the electoral tribunal of Panama to make the fingerprint and facial registration and a week later he/she can pick up the “E” card which will be his/her new legal identity document to circulate in Panama.
Why do more and more foreigners trust the signature of Mrs. Julissa Ortega to carry out their immigration procedures in Panama?
- Assistance is given by an expert in the subject with a wide trajectory in migratory matters in Panama.
- Provides continuous accompaniment for the applicant by the lawyer during the process of presentation of the procedure before the immigration authority.
- Continuous follow-up by expert lawyers in the governmental process of the procedure of each applicant.
- Opening of bank accounts in Panama.
- Counseling in civil, mercantile and real estate law with our team of lawyers.
- Consultation fees are reimbursable in the total cost of the process.
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